Basic Chemical Industries Co. Announces Appointment of a CEO


Introduction The Basic Chemical Industries Company announces the Board of Directors’ decision by passing on 28-02-2021 AD approving the appointment of Mr. Ala Abdullah Abdulkarim AlShaikh as CEO of the company, effective on 01-03-2021 AD and the end of the period of assigning Mr. Abdulatif Azmi Abdulatif Abdulhadi to carry out work the CEO, while remaining as a member of the Board of Directors and a member of the Nominations and Remuneration Committee.

The Chairman and members of the Board of Directors of the Basic Chemical Industries Company present to Mr. / Abdulatif Azmy with great thanks and gratitude for his efforts during the past period, wishing him continued success in his practical life.


Appointment Type Appointment

Name of the CEO Ala Abdullah Abdulkarim AlShaikh

Date of Board Resolution 2021-02-28 Corresponding to 1442-07-16

Date Work Commencement 2021-03-01 Corresponding to 1442-07-17

Brief Resume Mr. Ala Al-Shaikh holds a master's degree in business administration for executives in addition to a bachelor's degree in mechanical engineering from King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals, and has more than 24 years of experience in industrial companies.

Mr. Ala Al-Shaikh has worked in many local companies in administrative and executive positions, including the Saudi Basic Industries Corporation (SABIC), the last of which was CEO of Al-Majdouie Group of Saudi Arabia.

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